Publications and Proceedings
Kirkland, A. and Cowley, J. (2023). An exploration of context and learning in endurance sports coaching. Frontiers in Sport and Active Living, 5.
Stewart, D. Kirkland, A, and Allen, J. (In press). Relative energy deficiency in sport and the role of ultrarunning coaches according to two female ultrarunners. International Journal of Sports Science and Coaching.
Tomaz SA, Coffee P, Ryde GC, Swales B, Neely KC, Connelly J, Kirkland A, McCabe L, Watchman K, Andreis F, Martin JG, Pina I & Whittaker AC (2021) Loneliness, Wellbeing, and Social Activity in Scottish Older Adults Resulting from Social Distancing during the COVID-19 Pandemic, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18 (9),
Mason L, Kirkland A, Steele J & Wright J (2021) The relationship between Isometric Mid-Thigh Pull variables and athletic performance measures: empirical study of English professional soccer players and meta-analysis of extant literature. Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness, 61 (5), pp. 645-655.
Sissions A, Grant A, Kirkland A & Currie S (2020) Using the theoretical domains framework to explore primary health care practitioner's perspectives and experiences of preconception physical activity guidance and promotion. Psychology, Health and Medicine, 25 (7), pp. 844-854.
Whittaker AC, Tomaz SA, Ryde G, Connelly J, Coffee P, Kirkland A, McCabe L, Watchman K, Andreis F, Swales B, Martin JG, Pina I & Neely KC (2020) Loneliness, social support and wellbeing in Scottish older adults as a result of social distancing during the Covid19 pandemic. American Psychosomatic Society 2020 Virtual Meeting, Online, 03.12.2020-04.12.2020
Whittaker AC, Tomaz SA, Coffee P, Ryde G, Connelly J, Kirkland A, McCabe L, Watchman K, Andreis F, Neely KC, Swales B, Martin JG & Pina I (2020) Impact of Covid19 social distancing on the social and mental health of Scottish older adults. Scottish Physical Activity Research Connections 2020 Digital Conference, Online, 11.11.2020-18.11.2020
Tomaz SA, Ryde G, Connelly J, Swales B, Martin JG, Pina I, Neely KC, Coffee P, Kirkland A, Andreis F, McCabe L, Watchman K & Whittaker AC (2020) The impact of Covid19 on Scottish older adults’ physical activity: Changes and associations with wellbeing. Scottish Physical Activity Research Connections 2020 Digital Conference, Online, 11.11.2020-18.11.2020.
McEwan H, Kirkland A & Gorczynski P (2020) Mental health in performance sport: an interdisciplinary approach. The Sport and Exercise Scientist, (65), pp. 11-12.
Kirkland A (2019) Coach learning and practice in endurance sport: Why context matters to sports scientists. British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences (BASES) Annual Conference 2019, Leicester. Journal of Sports Sciences, 37 (Supplement 1), pp. 43-44.
Kirkland A, Mcewan H & Gorcynski P (2019) Health and mental wellbeing in performance sport: an interdisciplinary approach. British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences (BASES) Annual Conference 2019, Leicester. Journal of Sports Sciences, 37 (Supplement 1), p. i24.
Kirkland A & Gearity BT (2019) Comments on CrossTalk 43: Exercise training intensity is/is not more important than volume to promote increases in human skeletal muscle mitochondrial content. Commentary on: MacInnis, M.J., Skelly, L.E. and Gibala, M.J. (2019), CrossTalk proposal: Exercise training intensity is more important than volume to promote increases in human skeletal muscle mitochondrial content. J Physiol, 597: 4111-4113.
Kirkland, A. (2019). Is Sports Science Support Effective? The Sport and Exercise Scientist, (60), Summer.
Kirkland, A., & O’Sullivan, M. (2018). There is no such thing as an International Elite Under-9 Soccer Player. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, 17(August), 686–688.
Kirkland, A., Fardilha, de. F. & Aldous, D.C.R. (In review). Coach Learning in Scottish Football: Moving from Theory into Practice, revision submitted to Sports Coaching Review in April 2018.
Ritchie, D., Allen, J. B., & Kirkland, A. (2018). Where science meets practice: Olympic coaches’ crafting of the tapering process. Journal of Sports Sciences, 36(10), 1145-1154.
Kirkland, A. (2017). Coach learning and pragmatism: knowledge into practice. Proceedings of the 2nd International Congress of the International Society for Sports Sciences in the Arab World, University of Stirling, UK. (Accepted).
Kirkland, A., Fardilha, F. and Aldous, D. (2017). Coach Learning in Scottish Football: Moving from Theory into Practice. Proceedings of the International Council Conference for Coaching Excellence Global Coaching Conference. Liverpool, UK.
Kirkland, A. (2017). Knowledge into practice: The development of a pragmatic philosophy of coach learning. Proceedings of the International Council Conference for Coaching Excellence Global Coaching Conference, Liverpool, UK.
Sissons. A., Grant. A., Kirkland, A. and Currie. S. (2017). Preconception Physical Activity: the Views of Health Professionals in Primary Care. Proceedings of the UK Society for Behavioural Medicine, Liverpool, UK.
Kirkland, A. (2016) What is Knowledge? The Sport and Exercise Scientist, 48 (Spring), 10–11.
Kirkland, A. (2015). The map of performance excellence. Presentation at The 8th Oxford Colloquium on Medical Education.
Kirkland, A. and Webb, V.P. (2015) A coaching perspective of the sport and exercise sciences. The Sport and Exercise Scientist. Leeds: BASES.
Kirkland, A. (2014). The need for an awareness of psychosocial factors in addition to physical development The Sport and Exercise Scientist. Leeds: BASES.
Webb, V.P. and Kirkland, A. (2014). The dichotomy between applied sport science and coaching practice. Proceedings of the World Congress of Cycling Science, Leeds.
Kirkland, A. Hopker, J. and Jobson, S. (2013). Learning from the success of British Cycling. The Sport and Exercise Scientist. Leeds: BASES.
Kirkland, A. (2012) A Coaching Philosophy. In J. Hopker & S. Jobson (Eds.), Performance Cycling: The Science of Success. London: Bloomsbury Sport.
Kirkland, A. (2009-2015). British Cycling Handbook material for UKCC Level 1-3 coaching qualifications and other courses.
Kirkland, A. and Coleman, D.A. (2009) Physiological responses during cycle time trials: Variable versus constant power output. Journal of Sports Sciences, 26, s130.
Kirkland et al. (2008). Validity and reliability of the Ergomo(R)pro powermeter. International Journal of Sports Medicine. (29) epub.
Kirkland, A. and Coleman, D.A. (2007). Reliability of ‘Time to Exhaustion’ trials and physiological responses at Critical Power in cycling exercise. Proceedings of the BASES Annual Conference, Wolverhampton.
Kirkland, A. and Coleman D.A. (2006) Reliability of time to exhaustion at Critical Power. Presentation at the BASES student conference. Heriot-Watt University.
I continue to be a regular contributor to the TrainingPeaks website, which my research tells me is the most valuable learning website for endurance coaches worldwide. For 2018 and 2019, I have been awarded the best coaching article, a result based on number of independent website hits. TrainingPeaks has >1 million people using its training platform and associated apps world-wide, meaning that writing for them adds to the profile of the University of Stirling.
Wellington, C. & Kirkland, A. (2018). Coaching “Race Weight” Intelligently: A Case Study. TrainingPeaks. URL:
Kirkland, A. (2018). Planning for Performance: Going Beyond TSS. TrainingPeaks. URL:
Kirkland, A. (2018). Meerkats & Moles: How to Become an Expert Coach. TrainingPeaks.
Kirkland, A. (2018). Expert Instruction: What Does It Depend On? TrainingPeaks URL:
Kirkland, A. (2017). The Perfect Ironman Taper Plan. TrainingPeaks, URL:
Kirkland, A. (2017). Expert Instruction: What Does it Depend On? TrainingPeaks, URL:
Wellington, C. (2017). To the Finish Line: A World Champion Triathlete’s Guide to Your Perfect Race, Immediate Media Company: Bristol, UK. (I acted as an expert advisor and a ‘ghost’ writer on several chapters on a book).